I want you to be satisfied with your purchase of this Program.
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly.
You Can Get a Full Refund Within 60 Days of Purchase if You Have Viewed Less Than 20% of Course Content!
Whether or not you click watch the full video, makes no difference. The rule applies once you access 20% of the videos in the course, whether or not you view the full video. Absolutely NO exceptions!
To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request before 11:59 pm US Time on the last day following your purchase. All refunds are discretionary*.
*Note: All refunds are discretionary. If you just downloaded the training material (pdfs, audios, videos, and/or etc), and then promptly asked for a refund, we reserve the right to deny your refund request. The point of this policy is to give people the chance to learn, and if it doesn’t work, they can get their money back. It wasn’t designed to enable people to steal the training material. If this is your intention do not purchase this Program.
For Further Information
dejan (at) majkic.net