Dear Affiliate Partners,

I am so glad to inform you about the latest news regarding the Agile and Scrum Masterclass:

  1. Today, a New Module 15 is being added to this Masterclass. Content:
    1. Introduction
    2. Your First Customer Meeting
    3. Types of users in the system
    4. Are you building a product your user needs?
    5. Human Limitations, Disabilities, and Design
    6. Involving Customers in Software Development
    7. Make Client Interactions More Valuable
    8. How to deal with vague requests from clients?
    9. What Is a Use Case and How To Write One?
    10. What Are Wireframes?
    11. What is a Storyboard?
    12. How to represent user needs?
    13. User Stories, Examples, and Template
    14. What makes a good user story?
    15. Avoid creating EPICs
    16. What is Acceptance Testing?
    17. What is a Product Backlog?
    18. Changing priorities in Scrum
    19. Introduction to Story Maps
    20. Criteria for User Stories
    21. Dealing with vague requirements – PART 1 and PART 2
    22. Conclusion
  2. This New Module 15 contains 23 lectures + Templates (2 hours + video material).
  3. This is Version 9 of the Agile and Scrum Masterclass.
  4. The price, for now, will remain the same as well as the affiliate commission of 60%.
  5. On my YouTube channel, I have plenty of video materials you can download and republish for affiliate purposes. (You have my permission). Subscribe to my channel, and be the first to repurpose it.
  6. Small improvements to the Sales page.
  7. Agile and Scrum Masterclass focuses on Agile and Scrum Transformation. Anyone who is looking for a career change is welcome.

That is all for now.

New updates are coming…

Stay with us.

Dejan and my team.

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